Saturday, January 10, 2009

Various Kyra Pictures Taken During the Holidays

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.


Michael said...

I figured of all bloggers, you would be the one who most likely has checked this out before.

Have you?

The stuff is quite fascinating and not really for most people, but I didn't mind the gore. What do you think?


Diana said...

Very cute!

thebonebreaker said...

Adorable! :-)

I like the Supergirl outfit - too cool!

Sue Flaska said...

Man, that girl just gets cuter and cuter! And might I add that my youngest daughter has the same pj's.

Ajay Gupta said...

The yoda outfit is the cutest ever. :)

Bloody Mary said...

Extreme cuteness! I'm curious to know what that long red present is that's getting such a squeeze!

Tom G said...

The long red box contained the ukulele that she's holding in the photo after it.